IOI 2007 Banner
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Dear friends!
We are honoured to host the 19th International Olympiad in Informatics in Croatia, and we are inviting everyone to attend. We will do our best to make IOI 2007 a memorable occasion and hope you will meet old friends and make new ones.
Teams from all IOI countries have been invited to come to Croatia, and we will also try to get some new countries to join.
IOI - What is it?
The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is one of the most prominent computer science competitions in the world. The Competition Tasks are of an algorithm nature, however the contestants have to show basic skills as problem analysis, design of the algorithm needed, data structures, as well as programming and testing of their solutions. The winners of the IOI belong, no doubt, to the best young computer scientists of the world.
The IOI is one of eight International Science Olympiads.
The other seven are: Mathematics IMO (since 1959), Physics IPhO (since 1967), Chemistry IChO (since 1968), Biology IBO (Since 1990), Astronomy IAO (since 1996), Geography IGEO (since 1996), and The International Linguistic Olympiad ILO (since 2003). All of them are open to High School students, younger than 20 years of age.
Each country participates at the IOI with a National Delegation, consisting of four Contestants, headed by a Delegation Leader and a Deputy Leader.
A Contestant is a student who was enrolled at a school for secondary education, in the Country they are representing, during the period September to December 2006, and is not older than twenty years on the 1st of July 2007.
The official IOI web site is:
The IOI Secretariat web site is:
Copyright © Croatian Informatics Clubs Association 2007. All rights reserved.